Beyond the Label by Christina Bjorndal, ND: A Book Review
/In Beyond the Label Christina bares her soul and shares her experiences with mental health and what guided her to becoming the thriving naturopathic doctor she is today. Her deeply moving story is complimented by naturopathic guidance to a healthy lifestyle and tips to help individuals living with diagnoses similar to hers and beyond. Written almost like a manual, with steps and important information to back it up along the way, this book is incredibly easy to read, can be used in various ways that best suit the reader and include: recipes, lists of nutrients and beneficial foods, prompts to reflect upon and journal, tests or quizzes, as well her beautiful heartfelt biography.
“Play with the idea that your life has infinite possibilities.”- Dr. Chris
What I find most compelling about this book is reflected in the title: Beyond the Label. It encourages us to look at each other and understand that we are more than a diagnosis. Despite the hardships that can go along with mental health struggles, we are unique and worthy human beings that all deserve to be treated so, and more importantly, treat ourselves as such. Speaking from an individual who lives an amazing life with ADHD and has struggled with other mental health concerns in the past, I can honestly say that if you are going to take one thing from this book, it would be to expand your thinking about yourself and others. Embracing wholeheartedly who we are, diagnosis and all, and being viewed and valued beyond it.
“Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress.”- Dr. Chris
I always say that small micro-adjustments can make big changes, and everyone's path to wellness will look different; however, moving in a healthy direction whether it is a tiny step or a giant leap can bring substantial benefits. If you are considering naturopathic medicine as a compatible resource for mental health concerns, I suggest giving this book a read. There are so many wonderful points that I would consider valuable for anyone curious about taking control of their own health - and let's face it, curiosity did not kill the cat, it made her braver, stronger, and she lived a long happy life.
**It’s important for me to state that although I believe we do have the power to take our health into our own hands and cultivate a life best suited for ourselves, I am in no way suggesting this is always without doctors and certified healthcare professionals. Reading can bring us enlightenment and help guide us on our journey, but it does not replace the knowledge and experience that these wonderful individuals can bring. If at any time you are seeking additional support within your community, information including numbers to call or text is provided in this link: Mental health support: get help - **
Written by:
Jessica Predy
My name is Jessica and I am a mom of two amazing children that are constantly teaching me new things. I am currently continuing my education in recreation therapy and enjoy all of the ups and downs that come with going back to school as an adult. It has encouraged me to pursue my passions, such as writing, and provided me with the confidence I need to do so. I am somewhat of a bibliophile and love to share what I discover with others. If I'm not busy ‘mom-ing’ or ‘school-ing’ you can typically find me immersed in one of the few books I have on the go, doing yoga or planning all my future vacations for the next ten years.